Andrews Genealogy


Ashael Andrews Genealogy

Ashael Andrews  (Richard4, Samuel3, Thomas2, William1), born Feb. 20, 1742-43. Died Nov. 21, 1805, age 63. Married Oct. 8, 1764, to Sarah Rowley, who was born 174647 and died Jan. 31, 1833, age 86. Buried at Hadlyme, East Haddam.


  1. Sarah Andrews, born Aug. 3, 1763.

  2. Mary Andrews, born April 4, 1767. Married April 27, 1785, Samuel Lord.

  3. Elizabeth Andrews, born March 29, 1769.

  4. Sussanah Andrews, born April 17, 1771. Died Feb. 1791. Unmarried.

  5. Abigail Andrews, born June 27, 1773. Died young.

  6. Ashael Andrews, born 1776.

  7. Joseph Rowley Andrews, born July 25, 1778.

  8. John Andrews, born Oct. 20, 1780.

  9. Deborah Andrews, born March 7, 1784. Died April 12, 1787.

  10. Julius Andrews, born May 18, 1788. Married Hope Mack, who was born Feb. 3, 1792, and died Dec. 11, 1858. Daughter of Hezekiah and Ann Spencer Mack.





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