Andrews Genealogy


John Andrews Genealogy

John Andrews  (Richard4, Samuel3, Thomas2, William1), born July 17, 1746. Died Oct. 24, 1806. Married at East Haddam Sept. 26, 1781, to Lucy Cone, daughter of Thomas Cone and Anna Warren Cone. John Andrews was a soldier in Revolutionary War. Lucy Cone was born May 5, 1759, and died at Kinsman, Ohio, or East Haddam, Conn., July 27, 1809. John Andrews enlisted May 26, 1777. Discharged Jan. 1, 1778.


  1. John Andrews.
  2. Marquis Andrews.
  3. Calvin Andrews, born 1784. Died March 15, 1787, at East Haddam.
  4. Calvin Andrews.
  5. Lucy Andrews, born Feb. 1, 1793. Married William Jones, and died Aug. 18, 1825. Lived at Burghill, O. Married Sept. 9, 1813, by G. H. Cowles, Austinburg, Ohio.
  6. Wells Andrews, born Died age 5, Dec. 7, 1801.
  7. Lucy Andrews, born Sept., 1788. Died Dec. 17, 1788. Buried Parnassus cemetery, East Haddam.
  8. Richard Andrews, born 1795. Died Dec. 7, 1801.



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