Walker Genealogy

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Anna Moreen Walker Genealogy

244 Anna Moreen Walker, dau. of Newt L. and Anna Francis Cook Walker, b. August 23, 1891, in Wayne County, Tennessee. She m. September 3, 1916, J. E. Biffle, b. May 31, 1891. He d. May 31, 1944. She lives with her grandson, Edward Everett, near Waynesboro, Tennessee. She is interested in family history, and I am indebted to her for much of the information on the Cook family.


317. Everett W., b. July 5, 1917. He m. (1) October 10, 1936, Elizabeth Ivandale McLean. He m. (2) Winona May Winton, b. January 1, 1924, a widow with a son, Robert Walker Biffle, b. December 1, 1942. He m. (3) July 16, 1949, Jane Evelyn Brown, b. September 17, 1920, dau. of John and Icy (Taylor) Brown. By his second marriage he had a son Edward Everett, b. November 20, 1944. By his third marriage he had five children: Michael Lee, b. April 2, 1950; Tanya Elain, b. August 1, 1951; Daryl Taylor, b. March 19, 1954; John Walker, b. November 4, 1958; and Lesa Lynn, b. January 10, 1960. Everett is an electrician in Florence, Alabama.

318. Olin Andrew, b. November 13, 1919; m. December 18, 1947, Billie Jean Lynch, b. September 30, 1926. He is a master sergeant in the U. S. Air Corps. They have a daughter, Deborah Jean, b. February 13, 1951, and a son, Steven Lige, b. October 25, 1953.

319. Harold Francis, b. April 2, 1925; m. July 16, 1946, Marcella Elizabeth Morff, b. October 29, 1923. He is in the U. S. Air Force Intelligence Service. They have five children: James Harold, b. July 3, 1948; Donna Kay, b. April 21, 1951; Linda Ann, b. February 21, 1954; Korean Sue, b. January 18, 1956; and Dian Gale, b. October 24, 1958.



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