Frame Genealogy


Benjaman Fraim Genealogy

Benjamin, son of James and Rachel Fraim, married Elizabeth on November 14, 1813. Their children were:

  1. Israel Whittaker, born August 19, 1815;
  2. Isaiah Lindley, born March 16, 1818; Children:
    1. Emma Fraim, 217 N. 13th St., Philadelphia;
    2. Amelia, married Mr. Geo. Bushong, 1204 Green St., Philadelphia;
  3. Jeremiah Stevenson, born February 25, 1820; The children of Jeremiah S. and Charlotte Fraim were:
    1. Emma Fraim, married John D. Harris (Ashland, Va. also) 6063 Greenway Ave., Philadelphia;
    2. (no name given), married Mr. Hall, 3502 Race St., Philadelphia;
    3. Charles F. Fraim, 244 E. 86th St., New York.
  4. Charlotte Fraim (Mrs. Jeremiah S. Fraim) died on August 8, 1899 at the home of her son-in-law, Mr. J. D. Harris, 61st St., and Greenway Ave., Philadelphia.

    1. Josiah Miller, born December 5, 1821;
    2. Ira Newton, born February 2, 1824;
    3. Lavena Amanda, born February 14, 1826;
    4. John Harvey, born June 27, 1827;
    5. Amos Fred, born May 23, 1829.

Four of Benjamin's sons were in the Civil War, but possibly not the sons mentioned above, as Elizabeth, the mother of the eight above, died, and Benjamin married a second time and had many more children. Benjamin lived in Pennsylvania and at one time (1863) near Penningtonville.



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