Elihu Sidna Grimes Genealogy6. Elihu Sidna Grimes, son of Wilson Grimes, b. March 20, 1828, in Wayne County, Tennessee. He m. May 2, 1850, Nancy Melissa Keaton, b. September 10, 1831, daughter of Isham Keaton, b. February 21, 1799, and Sally Dill Keaton, b. September 27, 1806. They established their home on Eagle Creek about four miles from Clifton, on the old Waynesboro road. He died November 28, 1855, and is buried on a hill near his old home. His widow m. (2) James Willard Hall, who died March 28, 1897. She died July 9, 1899. Children
Note: Bible record of Nancy Melissa (Keaton) Grimes furnished by her granddaughter, Lucille Grimes Nease of Plainview, Texas.
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