Grimes Genealogy


Jay Cook Grimes Genealogy

65. Jay Cook Grimes, son of William Henry Grimes, b. February 20, 1890, in Wayne County, Tennessee. He was graduated from the University of Tennessee, 1916, and the University of Kentucky, 1919. For more than 35 years, he was a professor on the staff of Auburn University and a business, civic, and religious leader in Auburn, Alabama. He holds membership in Delta Sigma Phi social fraternity, Gamma Sigma Delta and Phi Kappa Phi honor societies, and is listed in "American Men of Science", "Who's Who in American Education", "Who's Who in the South and Southwest", and "Poors Register of Directors and Executives." He m. August 4, 1924, Charlotte Ella Busey, b. April 19, 1897, daughter of Dr. John Francis and Ella (Lowery) Busey, of Frisco City, Alabama. She holds a degree from Judson College. She is a member of Delta Zeta Sorority, is a former teacher, and is an active worker in church, civic, and club affairs.


118. Elizabeth Janette, b. August 6, 1925, in Frisco City, Alabama. She holds the degrees of B. S. and M. S. from Auburn University, Auburn, Alabama, and is a teacher in the School of Science and literature of that institution. She is a member of Delta Zeta sorority, Mortar Board honor society, and was president of her junior class. She m. August 28, 1946, Robert Allen Williams, son of Dr. Marvin W. and Mary (Carden) Williams, b. March 16, 1926, in Center, Alabama. He is a graduate with the B. S. and M. S. degrees from Auburn University, served in the U. S. Marines, during World War II, and is now a business man in Auburn. They have two daughters: Janette Frances, b. April 3, 1951, and Rebecca Allen, b. April 22, 1954 - both b. in York, Alabama.

119. Mary Frances, b. April 9, 1930, in Auburn, Alabama. She is a graduate with a B. S. degree from Auburn University, where she was a member of Delta Zeta sorority. She teaches in the public schools of Birmingham. She m. September 17, 1949, Henry T. Wingate, Jr., son of Henry T. and Inez (Matthews) Wingate, b. March 1, 1929, in Opelika, Alabama. He is a graduate with a B. S. degree from Auburn University, served as a first lieutenant in the U. S. Army in Korea and is now a business man in Birmingham, Alabama. They have an adopted daughter, Frances Marian, b. July 21, 1960.




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