Dalrymple Genealogy

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Natalie Dalrymple Genealogy

116. Natalie Dalrymple, dau. of Bonnie and Maude L. Grimes Dalrymple, b. November 9, 1910, in Guntown, Mississippi. She moved with her mother to Tulsa, Oklahoma, where she m. December 15, 1930, Millard O. Wakeford, b. July 7, 1907, in Vancouver, British Columbia. He came to this country as a professional hockey player but is now a building contractor in Tulsa. She is owner and operator of a real estate firm in Tulsa.


177. Millard Wesley Wakeford, b. November 15, 1931; d. October 4, 1937.

178. Kathryn Wakeford, b. July 4, 1934; m. March 26, 1955, Jack Eugene Wellhousen, b. June 13, 1930. They have two daughters: Nancy Gene, b. June 13, 1956, and Karen Rhea, b. December 14, 1959.

179. Onslaw Stevenson Wakeford II, b. January 23, 1939; at present a university student.







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