Harper Genealogy Data


Christiana Harper Genealogy


Christiana Harper (1783-1837) married Apr. 10, 1804 Isaac Barker Jr. (son of Capt. Isaac and Rhoda Barker). He became a very prominent citizen serving as county sheriff, collector of rents for the Ohio University, councilman of Athens, treasurer of Athens County and common pleas judge. He was also one of the early innkeepers of the town of Athens.

Sorrow was a frequent guest in the Barker home as the long row of little graves in the West State Street Cemetary attests.

Christiana Harper Barker died Oct. 14, 1837 and is buried, as is many another pioneer mother, with her babies. Isaac Barker died Mar. 30, 1873 aged 94 years. Their children were:


  1. Maria Barker, d. in inf. 1806.

  2. Isaac Barker, d. in inf. 1806.

  3. William Barker, d. in inf. 1810.

  4. Isaac Barker, d. in inf. 1814.

  5. Maria C. Barker.

  6. Elizabeth Barker.

  7. Alexander Barker, d. in inf. 1816.

  8. Milton Barker, d. in inf. 1822.

  9. Charles Barker (?)



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