Campbell AncestryWilliam Campbell m. Aeltje
Minnelay 1. William Campbell is first found when his marriage is recorded
in the Dutch Church in Tappan, N. Y. (p. 7 of a copy). The record states that he
was born in England and married, April 17, 1717, Aeltje Minnelay, born
Haverstraw, N. Y., July 15, 1697. In the Dutch records of Tappan his name is at
times spelled Cempel, Kemmel and Campbel. The grave stones of himself and wife
are still standing close to the old Dutch church in Tappan, and the inscription
on his states that he was born in the Isle of Man and baptized in "Cork London
Church," February 19, 1680, and died June 7, 1760. She died August 10, 1779.
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