Jones Genealogy


Lieut. John Jones Genealogy

Lieut. John4 Jones (John3 John2 Hugh1) of Framingham. Massachusetts. He was born in Framingham November 10, 1751. He served in the Revolution as Corporal in Capt. Jesse Eame's company on the Lexington alarm, April 23, 1775 he enlisted for eight months under Capt. Mecapah Gleason. He was later lieutenant of a local military company, and served as selectman of Framingham from 1793 to 1798. He married first, April 15, 1779, Mary Belknap of Framingham and married second, May 9, 1803, Margaret Trowbridge.


1. Persis, born February 29, 1780, died October 4, 1855. Married August 15. 1802, Alfred Hill.
2. John, born August 3, 1782. Was the first descendant of Hugh1 Jones to rise above the plough or forge. When a young man, he went to Boston and became a jewelry merchant, founding the firm now known as Shreve Crump and Low Co. About 1535 he retired from business but became interested as a capitalist in several enterprises, among them the East Boston Wharf Company of which he was treasurer for many years. He died May 7. 1854, leaving an estate of over $150,000. He married October 29, 1509, Alexandrine, born in Paris France September 8, 1788, died in Roxbury, February 28, 1863.


George, Mary, Antoinette, Harriet, Eliza.













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