Lambert Genealogy


Samuel Lambert Genealogy

26. SAMUEL LAMBERT was born Jan. 1, 1693. From a deed in 1710, when be disposed of his share of his father's estate, we find that he was then called ~,of Salem" and a weaver, but evidently he removed the same month to Middleton, upon his marriage, and there his children were born. He married May 4, 1710, Mary Squier. (A Mary Squiers was born Mar. 10, 1686, at Newbury, but it is not known if she was the Mary above.) Nothing has been found about the Squier family except a few marriages in the Salem vital records.

In the Middleton Minister's Rates, Dec. 24, 1729, appears the name of Samuel Lambert, and in the Town Book, May 10, 1739, " the house which was Samuel Lambard's on ye way that comes from the homestead of Samuel & Ebenezer Berry into Andover road."

In the Essex County Registry there is an unrecorded deed under date of Mar. 6, 1739/40, in which his widow Mary and his children, for £110, deed to Stephen Wilkins of Middleton, husbandman, several pieces of land in Middleton. Among the children named in this deed is Samuel Lambert (or, as this family seem to have spelled the name, " Lambartt "), and no such son appears among those born in Middleton, while Sarah, the youngest child recorded, does not appear. It may be that the Sarah of the vital records should really be Samuel, as it seems unlikely that there would be an error in an original deed.

Samuel was, as is shown by the above deed, dead in 1739/40, but the date is not found in the Middleton records.

Children, born in Middleton:

46. PATIENCE, born Feb. 25, 1710, in Middleton; married Oct. 29, 1730, in Middleton, Solomon Wilkins. He died Jan. 7, 1765, "by a fall under ye wheel of ye corn mill, whether Drowned or Killed by ye fall is uncertain." She died Apr. 15, 1705. Children, born in Middleton:
            LYDIA, b. Aug. 22, 1731.
            SARAH, b. July 16, 1739.
            SAMUEL, b. Aug. 11, 1742.
            BETTY, b. Apr. 1, 1744.
            MARY, b. Feb. 21, 1752.
47. EUNICE, born Oct. 23, 1712, in Middleton, married Dec. 2, 1731, in Middleton, Richard, born Nov. 18, 1712, son of Rouland and Margit Thomas. Children, born Middleton:
            OTHNIEL, b. Aug. 15, 1732; prob. d. young.
            JETHRO, b. Feb. 12, 1733.
            OTHNIEL, b. Nov. 9, 1736.
            EUNICE, b. July 5, 1740.
            PHILIP, b. Nov. 11, 1743.
48. JOSEPH, b. May 7, 1714.
49. MARY, born Mar. 11, 1718, in Middleton, married Jan. 18, 1737/8, William, born Apr. 2 in Beverly, son of William and Grace (Elliot) Bradford. He lived in Boxford until about 1741, when he removed to Middleton, where he lived until about 1744, when he settled in Soughegan-west (Amherst), N. H. Mary died Feb. 18, 1770, and he married, second, Rachel Small, who died in 1802. He died in 1791. Children:
            SAMUEL, b. Dec. 22, 1738, in Boxford.
            PATIENCE, b. Sept. 25, 1740, in Boxford.
            MARY, bapt. 1742, in Middleton.
50. SARAH, b. Sept. 28,1721; m. May 5, 1742, in Salem, Francis, son of Nathaniel Carroll.

Parents: Samuel Lambert Genealogy



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