McIntosh Genealogy


George McIntosh Genealogy

George McIntosh, fourth son of John Mohr McIntosh, the Highland Chieftain who went to Georgia from Inverness with 130 Highlanders, married 1772, Ann Priscilla Houstoun, daughter of Sir Patrick Houstoun, Baronet, of the eminent family of that name in Georgia and of a very ancient Scotch family.

The issue of this marriage was:

  •  John Houstoun McIntosh, died 1836, who married Eliza Bayard (daughter of Nicholas Bayard and Catharine Livingston), of New York, died 1848, and had the following children:

  •  Catharine Ann McIntosh, married Henry R. Sadler and had:

    • Henry R Sadler, married Mary Halsey of Savannah.

    • Eliza McIntosh Sadler, married John Loud.

    • Catharine A. Sadler, married first, Rev. James Shanklin, of South Carolina. Married second, Rev. James H. Elliott, D. D.

    • Houstoun McIntosh Sadler, married Abigail Jones Buist, of Charleston, S. C.

    • Mary Albertis Sadler, married H. Pierce Sims.

    • Nicholas Bayard Sadler, married Miss Routh, of Mississippi.

    • Louisa S. Sadler, married Ed. Q. Bell, of New York City.

  •  John Houstoun McIntosh, married first, Mary Randolph Higbee; married second, Charlotte N. Higbee. John Houstoun McIntosh and Mary Higbee had:

    • John Houstoun McIntosh, C. S. Army, killed at battle of Sailors Creek.

    • Joseph H. McIntosh, married.

    • Elizabeth L. McIntosh, married Albert B. Dod, of Princeton, N. J.

    • Bayard L. McIntosh, married first, Eliza Berrien daughter of Dr. Hugh Nesbitt, of Georgia, and had one child. Married second, Mary C., daughter of Dr. R. B. Hill, of Georgia. Bayard L. McIntosh and Eliza B. Nesbitt had:

      • Lucia B. McIntosh, married H. N. Starnes, son of Judge Starnes, of Augusta, Ga., and had four children.

      Bayard L. McIntosh, by his second wife, Mary C. Hill, had:

      • Mary Fisher McIntosh, married D. C. Cole, of Marietta, and had issue.

      • John Houstoun McIntosh.

      • Charlotte N. McIntosh, died.

      • Bayard L McIntosh.

      • Joseph H. McIntosh, died infant.

      • Richard H. McIntosh.

    • Mary R McIntosh, married John Kilgow, of Cincinnati.

    • Charlotte N. McIntosh

    • George McIntosh, died infant.

    • George McIntosh, died infant.

  •  Eliza Bayard McIntosh, married General Duncan L. Clinch,1 after whom Clinch county, Ga., was named, and a descendant of the Lamont family of Scotland, and a very prominent gentleman. They had:

    • Eliza Bayard Clinch, who married Robert Anderson, who defended Fort Sumter in 1861, and had five children.

    • John Houstoun Clinch, married Elizabeth Higbee Waldburg, of Georgia.

    • Mary L Clinch.

    • Duncan L. Clinch, married Susan Hopkins, of Georgia, and had five children.

    • Catherine M. Clinch, married Barnwell Heyward, of South Carolina, and had two children.

    • Henry A. Clinch, married Ella Ford and had two children.

    • Nicholas Bayard Clinch.

    • George W. Clinch, married Catharine Ferris, of Florida, and had issue.

  •  George McIntosh, married daughter of James Hamilton, of New York, and had two children. Married second, Miss Salvador, of Paris, France, and had one child.


  1. Duncan Lamond Clinch was born in 1798, Edgecombe Co., N.C.; died, Macon, Ga., Nov. 27, 1847; son of Joseph Clinch by a daughter of Colo Duncan Lamond of Revolutionary War. ("Lamont," Wheeler's Remiscences.)



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