Painter Genealogy


The Painter Family Reunion

Following a general announcement and pursuant to a call for a reunion of the Painter Family, a goodly number of near two hundred relatives and friends assembled at this place, Cummin's Park, one year ago, Sunday, Sept. 7, 1902. It was then decided to hold this reunion annually at such places and at such times as shall be deemed convenient, and as may be decided on by the Executive Committee appointed by the President.

The declared intention and the prime object of these reunions is to make and extend each one's acquaintance and knowledge of the members of the different branches, to engender more congenial feelings toward one another as individual members of this great family, and thereby foster the sociability of the family as a whole.

It being the first reunion, no special program was followed. After a bountiful dinner, Dr. L. H. Painter, of Cowan, Ind., called the meeting together, and, after some appropriate remarks, called for an election of officers, and entertained a motion to make this a permanent organization. Peoria Painter, of Alexandria, Ind., was elected President, and Dr. B. H. Painter, of Middletown, Ind., was elected Secretary and Treasurer.

An Executive Committee was appointed by the President,. whose duty it was to decide on a place for the next meeting and make all necessary arrangements therefor. The same consisted of

William A. Painter, Chairman.
Sanford Painter, of Middletown, Ind.
John James Painter, of Muncie, Ind.
P. P. Painter, of Alexandria, Ind.
Josiah D. Painter, of Springport, Ind.

After a brief conference, the committee decided to meet at this same place, Cummin's Park, on Sept. 13, 1903.

The genealogy of the great-great-grandfather, Christian Painter, was then given by the Secretary, after which an enrollment was called for, and the descendants to the number of 152 put their names on record as being in attendance.

No deaths reported in the family in the last year. Financial standing : Secretary and Treasurer begs to report that he received on Sept. 7, 1902, $6.15. Paid for the use of the park, $3. Balance, $3.15. Respectfully submitted,

B. H. PAINTER, M. D., Sec. P. P. PAINTER, Pres.

CUMMIN'S PARK, Delaware Co., Ind., Sept. 13, 1903.

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