Andrews Genealogy


Daniel Gates Andrews Genealogy

Daniel Gates Andrews (Chester6, Asa5, Nehemiah4, Samuel3Thomas2, William1), born Nov. 22, 1805, at Hartford, Ohio. Died July 18, 1882, at Mt. Pleasant, Iowa. Married Sept. 9, 1829, to Mary Ann Andrews, daughter of Marquis Andrews (No. 65). She was born at Kinsman, Ohio, Sept. 29, 1811, and died Feb. 22, 1893, at Mt. Pleasant, Iowa. Moved to Green, Ohio, 1844, and to New London, Iowa, 1854.


  1. Hannah Miria Andrews.

  2. Mary Eliza Andrews, born Jan. 4, 1832. Died Sept. 11, 1911, at Washington, Iowa. Buried at Clay City, Iowa. Married May 28, 1863, to ALLEN MEACHAM, who was born June 1, 1825, at Gustavus, Ohio, and died April 26, 1890, at Washington, Iowa. Children:

    1. Lucy Helen Meacham, born July 14, 1873, at Washington, Iowa.

    2. Lottie Allen Meacham, born Oct. 7, 1875, at Washington, Iowa.
      Both unmarried.

  3. Lucy Fidelia Andrews.

  4. Marquis Lyman Andrews.

  5. Nancy Harper Andrews.



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