Andrews Genealogy


Chester Andrews Genealogy

Chester Andrews (Asa5, Nehemiah4, Samuel3Thomas2, William1), born Dec. 10, 1784, at Hartland, Conn. Died Feb. 1, 1848, at Hartford, Ohio. Married Aug. 29, 1804, to Hannah Gates at Hartland, Conn., who was born at Hartland Jan. 22, 1784, and died at Hartford, Ohio, March 3, 1825. Daughter of Theopolus Lord Gates. They came to Ohio with his father, Asa Andrews, Oct. 18, 1804. Married second April 19, 1826, to Anna Lyman, who was born, Dec. 7, 1780, at New Hartford, Conn., and who died at Hartford, Ohio, March 22, 1863.

Chester united with the church at Hartford, Ohio, and was elected deacon, in which office he served until his death in 1848. He was one of the largest subscribers to the fund for building the new church in 1818-1819. In Sept., 1823, he was among 45 persons who formed a new church for Hartford township, also his daughters Lucy and Hannah. In 1841 he and 41 others withdrew from the church and formed a Presbyterian church. In 1852 this church united with the main church. In 1826 Rev. Wells Andrews, brother to Chester, was called from Alexandria, Virginia, to become pastor at Hartford, Ohio.


  1. Daniel Gates Andrews.

  2. Drayton Andrews.

  3. Wells Andrews.

  4. Lucy Fidelia Andrews, born Aug. 24, 1812. Daughter of Chester Andrews at Hartford, Ohio. Married Oct. 30, 1831, to Robert McFarland at Hartford, Ohio. Died May 28, 1835. Children:

    1. Drayton McFarland, born May 7, 1833. Died Feb. 27. 1836.

  5. Hannah Louise Andrews, born Aug. 21, 1814, at Hartford, Ohio. Married May 1, 1838, John Borden at Hartford, Ohio. She died April 30, 1839. "I also find a marriage license issued Feb. 21, 1834, for William Hall of Vienna, O., and Hannah Louise Andrews of Hartford but cannot find that it was used. Chester Andrews' record of his children makes no mention of any such marriage." Children:

    1. Ellen Louise Borden, born March 20, 1839. Died June 21, 1839.

  6. Chester Newell Andrews.

  7. Asa Edwin Andrews.

  8. Thankful Andrews, born June 24, 1821, at Hartford, O., daughter of Chester Andrews. Died Dec. 17, 1868, at Kingsville, Ohio. Married April 12, 1848, at Hartford, O. to Eben Beebe, who was born Winchester, Conn., May 27, 1818, and died at Kingsville, O., May 10, 1892. Children:

    1. Mary Louise Beebe, born at Hartford, O., April 16, 1844. Died Married at Hartford Jan. 30, 1868, to Lucian Fayette Gager, who was born at Warren, O., June 19, 1844, and died at Cleveland, O., June 11. 1901. Buried at Salem, O. Children:

      1. Harry Andrews Gager born Jan. 7, 1883, at Salem, O. Married at Lisbon, O., Feb. 17, 1909, to Mary Hardy, who was born Oct. 28, 1886, at Washingtonville, O.

      2. Francis Robert Gager, born at Salem, O., June 4, 1881. Died Oct. 8, 1881, at Salem, O.

    2. Sarah Welsh Beebe, born at Hartford, O., Nov. 24, 1850. Married at Kingsville, O., Jan. 3, 1872, to Dwight R. Bennett, who was born April 1, 1850, at Hartford, O. Children:

      1. Mary Louise Bennett, born at Norwood, Mich., Sept. 25, 1879. Married Dec. 20, 1904, at Hobart, Okla., to Joseph Robert Shultz of Elden, Mo., who was born April 8, 1876, at Schuyler, Neb. Children:

        1. George Bennett Shultz, born Oct. 18, 1905, at Elden, Mo.

        2. Neva Mildred Shultz, born Aug. 23, 1907, at El Reno, Okla.

        3. Robert M. Shultz, born March 8, 1914.

        4. Ruth L. Shultz, born Jan. 12, 1915.

    3. Louis Andrews Beebe born June 25, 1860, at Hartford, O. Married at Kingsville, O., Jan., 1883, to Hate Salisbury of Kingsville, O.

  9. Noice Andrews.



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