Andrews Genealogy


Luella Lee (Andrews) Kilbourne Genealogy

Luella Lee Andrews (Claudius7, John6, John5, Richard4, Samuel3, Thomas2, William1), born March 8, 1859. Married May 9, 1882, Charles T. Kilbourne, who was born July 20, 1850, and died June, 1921.


  1. "Rev." Trueman Andrews Kilbourne, born June 2, 1883. Married Ruby. Children:

    1. Dorothy Kilbourne.

    2. Margaret Kilbourne.

  2. Grace Allerton Kilbourne, born Aug. 29, 1887. Married William Kerr, son of John Henry Kerr and Marguerite Campbell. Children:

    1. Donald Kerr.

    2. Dorothy Kerr.

  3. Norman Joseph Kilbourne, married Katherine. Children.

    1. Mary Allerton Kilbourne.






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