Moore Genealogy

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James Edd Moore Genealogy

187 James Edd Moore, son of Tom and Elizabeth Cook Moore, b. January 6, 1844, in Wayne County, Tennessee. He m. December 15, 1870, Martha Adeline Johnson (388), b. April 8, 1849. She was a sister of Mrs. John L. Cook. They established their home on a farm near the Shady Grove School and Church, on Hardin's Creek. They were successful farmers and community leaders.


211. James Oscar Moore, b. August 26, 1871.

212. John Richard Moore, b. November 3, 1872, in Wayne County, Tennessee; d. January 11, 1928. He was a druggist and medical doctor of Clifton, Tennessee. He m. (1) Lillie Isbell of Madisonville, Tennessee, and m. (2) Grace Stimson by whom he had a son, John Richard, Jr., who is also a doctor and lives in Mobile, Alabama. He m. Frances Drake.

213. Walter Lee Moore, b. April 4, 1874.

214. Mary Elizabeth Moore, b. October 26, 1876. She m. Heber Cook.

215. Kennie Herbert Moore, b. February 15, 1879, d. September, 1898.

216. William Edward Moore, b. June 2, 1880.

217. Archie Creed Moore, b. August 1, 1884.




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