Moore Genealogy

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William Edward Moore Genealogy

216 William Edward Moore, son of James Edd Moore, b. June 2, 1880, in Wayne County, Tennessee. He is a farmer and a public school teacher. He owns and operates the old B. S. Hardin farm on Eagle Creek. He m. Eddie Watkins, b. December 5, 1892.


Two, Mattie and Ruth, died young.

289. Harry Moore, b. February 8, 1907; m. October, 1926, Ellise Dickson. They have five children: Betty Joe, Harry, Jr., Patsy, Jimmie and David.

290. Bessie May Moore, b. July 5, 1908; m. December, 1926, Hardin Cole. They have an adopted son, Mike, b. December 6, 1947.







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