Grimes Genealogy


George Crawford Grimes Genealogy

36. George Crawford Grimes, son of Henry Stanford Grimes, b. 1870, in Wayne County, Tennessee. He graduated from the School of Medicine, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, and practiced his profession in Wayne and Giles Counties for 55 years. When he died of a heart attack, April 6, 1945, in Pulaski, Tennessee, the reporter on the local paper, among other things, had the following to say; "He was a typical country physician of the Old School. He daily attended the call of mercy to his people in every walk of life.... He was known for his gentle, understanding manner and his optimistic attitude toward his fellow man.... His 79 years of mortal life were spent in useful service.... He was born a gentleman and lived up to the highest standards, faithful to the end." He m. Alice Morris, daughter of John Elizabeth (Whitfield) Morris (337).


87. Leslie. He d. unmarried when about twenty years of age.

88. Murler, b. 1895; m. Otis O'Neal of Giles County. They had five children: William Crawford of Cookville, Tennessee; Robert Morris, Jim, and Marjorie, all of Nashville; and Otis, Jr., in Florida.

89. Carl. He is married and lives in Akron, Ohio.




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