Grimes Genealogy


Henry Stanford Grimes Genealogy

13. Henry Stanford Grimes, son of Wilson Grimes, b. February 6, 1840, in Wayne County, Tennessee. He m. (1) Ellen Elizabeth Biffle, sister of Col. Jake Biffle. He served in the Confederate Army, was captured and held in Federal prison for 18 months. After the war he lived on the old Grimes homestead on Mill Creek. His wife died in 1882. In 1884 he m. (2) Fannie Tinnon of Clifton, Tennessee, and moved to Florence, Alabama, to put his children in school. In 1892 he moved to Texas because of his health, but soon returned to his farm on Mill Creek. He was an active member of the Methodist church which he served as steward and Sunday school superintendent. He died on Mill Creek in 1896.

Children (By 1st wife):

36. George Crawford, b. 1870.

37. Laura Bell, m. Whit Kittrell of Perry County, Tennessee. They moved to Dallas, Texas, where she d. leaving no issue.

38. Elizabeth Jane, b. June 2, 1872.

39. Albert Wilson, b. October 17, 1875.

Note: A record of descendants of Henry Stanford Grimes was furnished by a granddaughter Mrs. Narcia Smith of Decaturville, Tennessee.



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