Harper Genealogy Data


Charles Harper Genealogy


Charles Harper (1775-1854) was living in Luzerne township of Fayette County, Pa. in 1796 and 1797 as given in tax records of that county. He married Ann Cook (17781849) and in March of 1799 they were living near Carmichael town, Green County, Pa.

In company with the family of Thomas Armstrong, Charles and Ann Harper with their infant son William embarked at the mouth of Muddy Creek on the Monongahela river and started for the Hock-hocking valley late in March 1799. They arrived at the mouth of the river in April and the women came overland on horseback with their babies while the men poled the boat laden with their household goods up the stream to Harper's Ferry.

In 1811 Charles Harper bought land in the vicinity of "The Plains" (then known as Pickets Plains) where they lived until death.

Ann Cook Harper died Sept. 21, 1849 aged 71 years while Charles Harper lived until Dec. 2, 1854. They were laid to rest in the pioneer cemetery located a short distance north of The Plains, Ohio. Their children were:

  1. William Harper, b. 1798 in Pa.

  2. Elizabeth Harper.

  3. Robert Harper, b. Nov. 15, 1803 at Athens, Ohio

  4. Frances Harper.

  5. Christiana Harper, b. Mar. 31, 1811.

  6. Isabella Harper, b. 1819.

  7. Charles Harper Jr., b. 1814.

  8. Alexander Harper.



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