Harper Genealogy Data

John Johnson Harper Genealogy

John Johnson Harper2 (William1)

John Harper (1771-1853) was a weaver by trade. In tax records of the year 1800 he was listed as a single man living in Luzerne township of Fayette County, Pa.

He married Mrs. Fanny (Little) Norris and in the spring of 1812 they removed with their family to Athens County, Ohio, where Fanny Harper died Aug. 29, 1833 aged 60 years, 10 months and 23 days. He passed away Dec. 1, 1853 aged 82 years, 5 months, 23 days. They rest in the old West State Street Cemetery at Athens.

Issue of John and Fanny Harper:

  1. Theron Harper, b. 1809 in Fayette Co., Pa.

  2. Derastus Harper m. Dec. 3, 1838 Mary H. Bierce in Athens County, Ohio. After the death of his uncle Abraham Little in Fayette County Pa., in 1836, he bought out the shares of the other heirs and is believed to have removed back to Pa. Nothing is known of his descendants

  3. Clarissa Harper, d. 1841 unm.

  4. Albert Harper, b. 1812 in Pa.



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