Harper Genealogy Data


Theron Harper Genealogy

THERON HARPER3 (John2, William1)

Theron Harper (1809-1850?) was a cabinet maker by trade and pieces of his handcraft are still owned by descendants. He married Nov. 14, 1830, Katherine Allen (b. 1810 in Ohio). They removed to Allen County, Indiana, prior to 1836 but returned to Athens County before 1841. They had issue:

  1. Amanda Harper b. 1832 in Ohio.

  2. Amelia Harper b. 1836 in Ind.

  3. Roderick Harper b. 1841 in Ohio.

  4. George Harper b. 1844 in Ohio.

  5. Eliza Harper b. 1844 in Ohio.

  6. John Harper b. 1848 in Ohio.









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