Nagel Ancestry
Jan Nagel m. Rebecca Waldron
Resolved Nagel m. Clara Leydecker
Catherine Nagel m. Roelof
Van Houten
Grietje Van Houten m. Albert
Catherine Stephens m. Daniel
Frances Hawkhurst m. Elijah Horton
Emma Teresa Cronk m. George Bartlett
Minnie Lenora Hoffman m. John Schmieg
Florence Bell Schmieg m. Stanley Spartan Tumbridge
1. Jan Nagel was born in Holland about 1645, and having been a
soldier in the West India Company up to the time of the surrender of New
Amsterdam to the English in 1664, he quit the service and retired to Harlem in
disgust, with the avowed intention to leave the country.
However, he remained but was slow in becoming reconciled to the English rule,
and on August 27, 1670, he married Rebecca, daughter of Resolved
Waldron, the latter having made over to him
part of the De Vries house lot on June 2, 1670, for his home. On the day of the
marriage, they appeared at the Stadt Huys in New York and "entered their bans of
matrimony before his Honor the Mayor of the City, to be proclaimed at the usual
time and place." The bans were entered on the same day in the register of the
church in the fort.
Jan Nagel acquired considerable acreage in Harlem and at Spuyten Duyvel, and in
1675 was chosen Deacon in the Dutch Church, but owing to his dislike of the
English government, his nomination for office was several times rejected by the
Mayor's Court, but at length he was confirmed as Constable in 1677 and later
served twice as Commissioner. He died in 1689 and in 1690 his widow married Jan
Dyckman, and the marriage contract made at Harlem, May 12, 1690, says: "As it is
found by the testament of Jan Nagel that his surviving children should receive
the exact half of his estate, part of which is lying here at this dorp, and the
other part at Spuyten Duyvel, but, as is thought, the part of the aforesaid
estate lying at the dorp is the greater part; yet Rebecca Waldron assigns to her
children by Jan Nagel, deceased, all that is situated and lying at this dorp."
Issue : Barent, Jannetie, Jan, Anna Catherina, Barent, Johannes, Jacobus,
Debora, Resolved, William.
2. Resolved Nagel, son of Jan and Rebecca (Waldron)
Nagel, was baptized in the Dutch Church in New York, August 10, 1687, and on
January 4, 1713, he was received into the Dutch Church at Hackensack, N. J.,
where on May 9, of the same year, he married Clara (Klaertie)
Leydecker, who was baptized in the Dutch
Church in New York, October 10, 1686, and who had joined the Hackensack Church,
October 6, 1711.
They removed to Orangetown, N. Y., and he became an Elder and Trustee of the
Dutch Church in Tappan in 1729. When he died has not been found, but she was
deceased when her brother Abraham made his will, November 12, 1767.
Issue: Cornelia, Rebecca, Catherine (Catrina), Elizabeth, Marrittie, Johanna,
3. Catherine (Catrina) Nagel, daughter of Resolved and Clara (Leydecker)
Nagel, was born in 1717 and married, in 1742, Roelof Van Houten, baptized March
11, 1721.
See Van Houten Ancestry.
History of Harlem, N. Y., pp. 267, 268, 612, 613, 615;
Dutch Baptisms at Hackensack, N. J., pp. 105, 112, 148;
Marriages, p. 35;
New York and Tappan, N. Y., Dutch Baptisms.