James Hook GenealogyJames Hook, son of
Captain James Hook, was born in what is now Greene County, Pennsylvania,
about 1776; died in Greene County, Pennsylvania, after 1838. His wife Charlotte
died May 13, 1827, aged 52 years, 1 month, and 19 days. She is buried in the old
cemetery in East Waynesburg in a stone vault which is still there. Old
residenters say her husband is buried beside her, but there is no marker. Issue:
eleven sons and two daughters.
(3) Enos Hook, b. Dec. 3, 1804; d. July 16, 1841; m. Mary Dill,
b. Mar. i, 1808; d. Nov. 25, 1880. He was elected a member of Congress from
Greene and Fayette Counties in 1838. Was re-elected 1840 and resigned just
before his death in 1841. Both husband and wife buried in Greene Mount Cemetery,
Waynesburg, Pa. No issue.
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