Hook Genealogy


Jesse Hook Genealogy

Jesse Hook (son of James and Charlotte Hook), b. Apr. 7, 1800, d. 1878. He m. July 14, 1825, Lucy Burbridge (nee Workman), b. Apr. 22, 1804; d. May 17, 1860. The family acquired much land near Waynesburg upon which the parents built several fine brick residences for their children. He was President of the Farmers & Drovers National Bank of Waynesburg. Also one of the founders of Waynesburg College.

Children of Jesse Hook and Lucy Burbridge:

(1) Catherine Hook, b. 1826, d. 1826.

(2) Charlotte Hook, m. Dec. 21, 1848, Dr. James Dorsey who was a physician and Methodist minister. Issue, four, as follows:

(1) Jesse Dorsey, b. 1849; d. 1914; m. Emma Chalfant.

(2) Larkin Edward Dorsey, b. 1852, m. and has four children.

(3) Lucy Dorsey, b. Nov. 13, 1855; d. Oct. 25, 1924; m. Aug., 1877, F. P. Lams, a well known attorney in Pittsburgh, b. 1852, d. 1917. Widow lived in Pittsburgh where she was very prominent as a lecturer and public-spirited citizen. A Pittsburgh paper said on the occasion of Mrs. lams' death, "Probably no woman in America has left a greater impress upon her times than Mrs. lams. Other women have led single great causes to success, notably in the suffrage field, but Mrs. Lams in the Legislatures of a score of states and the federal statutes has written her ideals into laws. In almost every field of humanitarian endeavor she has been active. Laws and complete legal codes stand as monuments to her in the field of housing and tenement reform, the development of modern education and educational hygiene, public health work, marriage, divorce, desertion and non-support codes, the juvenile court and juvenile reclamation systems, industrial training, public safety, city planning, fire prevention, reformation of the penal code, especially as it is related to women, child labor law reform, women in industry, penal reform, labor legislation, disarmament, suffrage, sociological endeavor, charity and constitutional revision. She was not only a member, but an active leader in scores of welfare, business and social organizations. She was chairman of the National Budget Association and a member, by appointment of Governor Pinchot, on the Board of Directors of the Western Penitentiary." Issue two:

(1) Donald Iams, b. 1878; m. Grace Donnan; four children; family Lives in Sheraden, Pa.
(2) Jesse Dorsey lams, b. 1884; resides, Tulsa, Okla.

(4) Sarah Frances Dorsey, b. 1856; d. 1881; m. Levi Atkins. Four children.

(3) James Burbridge Hook.

(4) Fanny Hook, m. Marshall Kingsland and had issue: four children.

(5) John Inghram Hook.

(6) Catherine Hook, m. Oct. 30, 1856, Morgan R. Wise.

(7) Thomas J. Hook, b. Feb. 3, 1837; d. Jan. 26, 1858.

(8) Enos Hook, b. 1839; d. 1865.

(9) Benjamin F. Hook, b. May 26, 1844; lived in Baltimore where he was a stock broker. Never m.



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