Josiah Jones GenealogyJosiah5 Jones (Josiah4 Lieut. Jonathan3 Samuel2 Hugh1) of Londonderry, New Hampshire. He was born in Andover, Massachusetts, September 5, 1755; settled in Londonderry, New Hampshire, where he died August 16, 1796. He served in the Revolution in Capt. Benjamin Ames' company of Minutemen on the Lexington alarm April 19, 1775 and later in the year was in the same company at the battle of Bunker Hill and in October was at the fortifications at Cambridge, Massachusetts, at the age of twenty years. (New Hampshire State papers and Massachusetts archives, Vol. XV, page 746) also (Massachusetts Soldiers and Sailors in the Revolutionary War, Vol. VIII, page 942). His will, dated May 11, probated December 21, 1803, mentions wife, Sarah; daughters Sally A. and Mary; son Josiah to whom was left the homestead. He married, February 23, 1779, Sarah, born November 28, 1759, daughter of Ezra and Sarah (Long) Annis of Andover, Massachusetts, they had five children. CHILDREN
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