Jones Genealogy


Nathaniel Jones Genealogy

Nathaniel4 Jones (Nathaniel3 Hugh2 Hugh1) was born in Dracut, September 21, 1750, He inherited the larger part of his father's estate there, which he occupied until his death. June 23, 1814. In the Revolution he served in Capt. Stephen Russell's company, from August 15 to November 30, 1777, in the Saratoga Campaign.

In his will, dated June 6, probated October 5, 1814, he gave to his wife, Judith, one-third of his estate and all furniture (except that formerly of his first wife); to heirs of son Reuben $2; to son Prescott, son Bradley, daughter Rhoda, wife of Daniel Coburn, daughter Rhoda, wife of Benjamin Coburn, $2, each; to daughter Rhoda, furniture of first wife; to daughter Minah $100; to sons Nathaniel, Manley, and Samuel Lee Jones, land in Maine; to son Nathaniel residue and reversion of Homestead in Dracut.

He married first, July 4, 1772, Minah Coburn of Pelham, New Hampshire, born 1744, died March 22, 1794; and married second, November 2, 1794, Judith Lee of Dracut, who died May 1, 1816.


1. Minah, born December 14, 1773.
2. Reuben, born August 18, 1776. He lived in Dracut where he died in 1807, administration of his estate being given on October 7 of that year to Caleb Blanchard at the request of the widow, Hannah.
3. Prescott, born in 1778. He settled on a farm in Pelham, New Hampshire, where he died October 14, 1842. His will, dated March 16, probated December 6, 1842, gives a bequest to sister Abi Coburn, and residue to wife, Olive, whose will, dated January 18, 1854, mentions Prescott Jones of Dracut, sister Sybil Richardson, niece Sybil Worcester, and nephew Jacob Richardson. He married Olive Marsh, born 1787, died May 27, 1861. They evidently left no children.
4. Rhoda, born about 1781. Married December 1, 1803, Daniel Coburn of Dracut.
5. Abi, born 1784, died August 10, 1863. Married September 27, 1810, Benjamin, born August 26, 1772, died February 3, 1857, son of Simon and Keziah Coburn of Dracut.
6. Bradley, born 1787. He was a farmer in Dracut where he died July 22, 1854. Married March 11, 1813, Sarah, born October 1, 1790, died August 5, 1851, daughter of Simon and Mary Harris of Dracut.


Bradley, Daniel, Prescott, Sarah, Mary, Sarah, Bradley.


7. Minah, born April 25, 1796.
8. Nathaniel, born June 19, 1799.
9. Samuel Lee, born February 3, 1808.
10. Manley, born September 6, 1810.













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