Tapley Genealogy


Mark Sanford Tapley Genealogy

Mark Sanford Tapley (Daniel, Thomas), born at Folkstone, England, Dec. 16, 1809. Married Sarah Bennett, daughter of William and Ann Cullen Bennett of Folkstone, England, Mar. 19, 1834. His family with eight children came to America in 1854, and settled at Plato Center, Ill. He was the Mark Tapley described by Dickens. Sarah, his wife, was born in 1810 and died Nov. 18, 1862. He married Jane Adair June 6, 1870. She died March 1, 1879, age 35 years. He died Jan. 25, 1892. Children by Sarah Bennett:

William Bennett Tapley, born Jan. 26, 1837, died June 24, 1915.

Ann Bennett Tapley, born Mar. 19, 1838, died Aug. 7, 1907.

Daniel Tapley, born Aug. 3, 1839, died April 10, 1840. Elizabeth Sanford, born July 22, 1841, died Feb. 12, 1927.

Mark Sanford Tapley, born Dec. 21, 1844, died Dec. 15, 1911.

James Bennett Tapley, born June 5, 1846, died April 5, 1923.

John Tapley, born Aug. 6, 1847, in Folkstone, England. He enlisted in Co. F, 9th Ill. Cavalry in the Civil War, Feb. 23, 1864, and participated in the battles of Franklin, Columbus and Nashville under Maj. General Thomas. He died at Tuscaloosa, Ala., Aug. 18, 1865. He was 18 years of age.

Mary Tapley, born Feb. 7, 1849.

Sarah Bennett Tapley, born Dec. 17, 1851, died Nov. 15, 1936.

Children by Jane Adair

Edward Tapley, born April 20, 1871.

George Tapley, born Feb. 1873, died July, 1873.

Rebecca Tapley, born Nov. 5, 1874, died Dec. 18,1877.

Thomas Ralph Tapley, born Feb. 16, 1879. died June 19, 1879.



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